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The internet can overcome poverty

The internet can overcome poverty

Can the Internet overcome poverty?

digital divide.

  • The term “digital divide” has been used to describe the differences in Internet access and Internet-related technology (such as computers) available in different countries and even within developed countries.

  • As the Internet has become more prevalent in many countries around the world, there is still a huge variance in how much people have access to this resource.

  • There is a clear trend line connecting the countries with the greatest poverty, lack of internet access, and the underdeveloped technological infrastructure in those countries.

  • The existence of a digital divide between developed and non-developed countries does not indicate that the development of the Internet has created some kind of inequality in the world.

  • In fact, the digital divide generally follows historical patterns of technology development and use between developed countries such as Great Britain, the United States, and Japan versus more.

  • However, one thing becomes clear when you think about what the internet has to offer.

  • Those with a stable internet connection naturally have more opportunities to communicate, learn, do business and make use of the global resource network in general.

  • A study published in 2014 showed a significant association between average household income and average internet speed.

How does the internet create opportunity?

Example from Honduras.

  • There are countless ways the Internet offers to overcome poverty and create opportunity.

  • While writing this article, I'm in Honduras helping a nonprofit charitable organization teach online marketing skills to its students.

  • A large part of the school's fundraising program includes building an online dental store that the students will run. They will learn how to use search engine optimization, social media marketing, order fulfillment, customer service, technical writing, and other skills that they would not have had without the opportunity offered by the Internet.


  • Perhaps the most important component of making the Internet accessible to the widest possible population is the access to information and education that comes with it.

  • Learning has certainly evolved over the past 20 years.

  • Instead of having to rely on personal class lectures that include programs that require lessons and a flexible schedule, YouTube, Wikipedia, and other online learning tools have made education accessible to anyone to access their pages.


  • The ability of companies to market their products online has leveled the playing field, making profitability a huge possibility for those who will take the time to learn.

  • Techniques for attracting customers are described in detail for free or at low cost in internal marketing lesson sites all over the web.

  • Because of the internet, a market has developed for entrepreneurs who build their businesses right from their homes, including parent bloggers who sell ads, YouTubers who take advantage of filming what they do daily, or who launch presentations for themselves while opening up games and e-commerce business owners who drop products They market it for sale using the Internet.


  • Although the digital divide has not caused wealth inequality between developed and lagging countries, expanding the Internet so that it is more readily available in places that are still inaccessible could dramatically change the playing field, making the lower class or The poor are able to.

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