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All the reasons for lying

Reasons for lying in adults.

Classification of the reasons for lying.

The reasons and motives for lying can be classified into two main types; This is according to a study conducted on a group of individuals practicing liars, by a group of psychologists, namely: Beata Arcimowicz, Katarzyna Cantarero, and Emilia Soroko as part of the research project on "The Anthropology of Lying in Everyday Life” (Anthropology of Lying in Everyday Life). 

Lying for the sake of oneself

It is divided into two types, namely:

  • Lying to gain a benefit for oneself: This type of Lying is to achieve personal interests, or material gains; Such as obtaining a specific job or social position, or to show oneself in the best way in front of others.

Lying for the sake of others:

It is divided into two types, namely:
  • Lying for the benefit of others: It is with the aim of pleasing others and making them happy.
  • Lying to protect others: to protect them and avoid harming them.

Another study conducted by Timothy Levine, a specialist in social behavior, and included about 500 participants from five different countries, showed that the motives for Lying in general fall into four main categories, as follows:


  • Achieving economic benefits: This is motivated by financial benefits, and the percentage of people who lie for this reason, according to the study, is 16%.

  • Personal benefits: with the aim of achieving personal benefits that exceed financial benefits, and the percentage of people in this space is 15%.

  • Improving the personal image: This is motivated by achieving a positive self-image, and the percentage of people from this category, according to the study, is 8%.

  • HumorLying is then motivated to make people laugh and make them happy, and the percentage of these people, according to the study, is 5%.

Influencing others: 

There are many types of lies that are motivated by influencing others, and they are as follows:

  • Altruism: A person seeks to provide good and benefit to others, even if he is forced to use Lying as a means to do so, and the percentage of people who lie for this reason, according to the study, is 5%.

  • Social Motivation: In this type, Lying is motivated by avoiding rudeness and bad manners with others, and the percentage of these people, according to the study, is 2%.

  • MaliciousnessLying is with the aim of harming people and deliberately offending them, and the percentage of these people, according to the study, is 4%.


Lying , according to this study, can be motivated by self-protection, through the following:
  • Covering up personal mistakes: According to the study, the percentage of people who lie for this reason is 22%.

Ambiguous reasons: 

  • Unknown reasons: They are motivated by unclear motives in front of themselves and in front of others, as the person lies without really knowing the reason that motivates him to do so, and the percentage of these people reaches 7%, according to the study.

Reasons for lying in children.

Factors affecting Lying.

The child learns to lie between the second and fifth years of his life, and begins to lie more when making sure of his independence, and there are many factors that may affect the development of Lying behavior in the child, including the following:

  • Psychological factors: Many children lie to get rid of punishment, to obtain a reward, or to obtain the approval of the parents or the teacher at school.

  • learned social factors: children discover the need to avoid Lying through social learning based on the experience of reward and punishment; The child does not discover that Lying is a behavioral error until he is punished for it.

Reasons for lying in children.

Some of the reasons why children may lie are as follows:

  • Children usually try to discover their ability to practice new behavior, such as Lying; They try to figure out the result of Lying and what will happen when they lie, similar to any other behavior they would like to try.

  • Many children lie when they feel the need to be liked and approved by others, and this condition usually occurs in children who lack self-confidence.

  • Some children lie to get the attention of those around them, and to try to get enough attention they lack. 

  • Many parents encourage their children to lie to be considerate of others, as these lies fall under the category of social skills.

  • Lying is sometimes out of fear of others, especially if the child is afraid of being threatened and punished when he tells the fact that he has been abused by others, and sometimes lying is motivated by concealing some facts to avoid problems. 

  • Children may also lie to make the conversation more interesting and exciting or to get something they want.

  • Many children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may lie; Where these children face great difficulties in carrying out the tasks required of them, which leads them to lie instead of facing these difficulties, overcoming them, or asking for help from others to complete them, in addition to the idea of ​​impulsiveness in children who suffer from hyperattention; As they speak before thinking of their words, which leads them to lie when speaking.

Reasons for lying in teens.

There are many reasons that lead to lying in adolescents, such as: to get rid of life troubles and difficulties, to get something they are not usually allowed to have, to protect the feelings of others, or a desire to feel independent and liberated, in addition to the following:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: People with ADHD are more likely to be less credible in the eyes of others than other teens.

  • Addiction: Addiction leads a person to lie to hide his smoking, for example, or even to blame others for his exposure to addiction.

  • Anxiety and depression: A person with anxiety or depression lies in order to avoid the difficulties he faces in his life, especially when the topic relates to his daily obligations.

  • Bipolar disorder: People with bipolar disorder suffer from a state of lack of communication with reality, which leads them to lie, thus causing harm to others, harming them, and deceiving them to cover up their lies.

  • Personality disorders: such as emotional immaturity disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder in which sufferers have problems with trust with others, which leads them to form shaky and volatile social relationships, which leads them to lie a lot in such these relationships.

Causes of pathological lying.

Pathological lying is defined as a state of habitual lying for which there is no clear or direct cause, and psychologists indicate that it may be a condition associated with some mental health diseases; Such as bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and others, and the reasons why these individuals may lie are as follows:

  • The liar sometimes attaches great importance to a topic even though it is not really important, which leads him to lie and focus on it exaggeratedly.

  • Many people lie to assert control over a situation or decision when the truth in that situation seems inappropriate to them.

  • Many people are afraid of losing the trust and respect of others, of being disappointed, and they may be worried that the truth may lead to them being rejected or ostracized, causing them to lie.

  • Many people use lies to cover up and cover up their other lies.

  • Many people who lie believe that what they say is true and not a lie; This is due to problems related to their memory, as studies have indicated the fact that memory changes and is affected by many factors that may make a person live in another world that corresponds to his needs and beliefs.

  • People who lie often hope to make these lies true by not accepting reality, which is why they repeat them.

Reasons for lying on social media.

  • Most people use social networking sites to publish their thoughts and diaries, and research indicates that what these people publish may not reflect the true state of their lives Always. 

  • A number of social media pioneers try to lie to show themselves positively and attractively, for many reasons; Including the desire to form many and strong social relationships with others, the desire to engage with others and avoid isolation from them, in addition to the desire to benefit from others on an emotional and social level.

White lies and black lies.

  • People usually talk about two types of lies. They are white lies and black lies, and although they differ in influencing others, in the end, they are both deceptions and lies. The black lie usually tries to obtain self-interest at the expense of the opposite party, while the white lie is usually with the aim of pleasing others. and strengthening relations with them, but it is possible for a white lie to create many problems; Kalakhlal in the results of surveys and questionnaires when answering them.

  • There are many other reasons that push a person to practice white lies, such as concealing true feelings towards others to avoid hurting their feelings, or lying to them to protect them from losing a certain position or job, in addition to maintaining and strengthening social relationships, and improving the individual's image and behavior in front of others.

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