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I'm Afraid That No One Seems to Care About the Truth

I'm Afraid That No One Seems to Care About the Truth

  • This article raises the simple scientific truth to ezine-material readers, hopefully, a large segment of American citizen voters, that the tragic and terrible murders committed on 9/11, 3,000+ of them, were planned, orchestrated, carried out, and committed entirely by cold-blooded agents of the secret agencies of the United States.

  • The federal government is blaming an unintentional scapegoat for the murders, Islamists who were dubbed " Muslim terrorists.

  • The" WHO " and " how " of the matter can be determined with realistic accuracy even though most reasonable American citizens do not want to admit that such a thing happened, or could happen, in a constitutional republic that is supposed to be a nation of laws, justice and freedom.

  • In other words, the clarity of these facts is as clear as the cold hard facts that show that in less than five years the Nazis exterminated the bulk of the seven million Jews of Europe.

  • Most Americans did not accept the fact that the Holocaust actually happened or that freedom-loving Americans did nothing to prevent it from 1939 to 1941.

  • Even after 1941, there were a large number of American citizens who were applauding Hitler and his efforts to eliminate the Jews.

  • There are many Americans in the 21st century who deny that the Holocaust was a reality.

truth or dare questions

  • Hence, how long will it take to awaken American voters to the sad fact that the federal government was fully responsible for 9/11, 20 years, 50 years? The " cause "of the question about 9/11 is much more complex than the" WHO "and" how", which are well established in elementary scientific terms that completely extract the explanations given by the politically fabricated 9/11 Commission;" in the folly of its fully fabricated publication of more than 500 pages, the 9/11 Commission Report, which was distributed as widely in the United States as Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" was in Nazi Germany, was inevitably false and deceptive.

  • This article aims to prove in simple terms the scientific reality that Americans with a basic secondary education might understand, that deviant American men and women with advanced college degrees were deceptively responsible for planning and executing the 9/11 murders so that the totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL Patriot Act could be imposed on the American Republic and for many other complex nefarious reasons.
  •  When I say simple scientific terms, I mean fundamental laws, such as gravity, that cannot be challenged without serious consequences.
  •  Since 2006, men and women such as architect Richard Gage have been trying to raise American public awareness to preliminary scientific facts showing that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and Building 7, the Solomon building, were secretly rigged at least two years before 9/11 for remote demolition; and that the pseudo-NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Investigations and reports comprising the "9/11 Commission report" were complete fabrications and lies, not based on scientific reality.

  • But perusing and studying the video presentation included in this article, any reasonable American with a basic education in high school, or its high school equivalent, will be able to understand that the 3,000+ murders committed in 9/11, at the World Trade Center, the Department of Defense, and including passengers who were ""supposedly" on those jets that crashed in the twin towers and the Pentagon were not done by Muslim terrorists, but, instead, by insidious and realistic agents of the US government.

  • I sincerely hope that when rational people realize this fact they will not, as Edmund Burke sarcastically said, "do nothing" to stop the continuation of evil.

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